Figure Fantasy - What To Do Daily to Get More Figurines!

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Figure Fantasy - What To Do Daily to Get More Figurines!

Hi Playmates, how are you? It's Aerastar here. I'm pretty sure most of you reading this have experienced the inevitable WALL when it comes to gacha gaming, especially idle gacha gaming. That wall is waiting for rng (random number generator) to grant you masses of that particular unit so you can progress to the next tier.

Figure Fantasy is no different. Even as a gamer supporting the game by purchasing packs, I am also in that grind of patiently waiting and wondering when I may finally get my first diamond tier hero. It's funny because I know that once I pass that 5 Star to Diamond tier, I'm sure I will be asked to pull even more copies anyway.

Instead of pulling out all our gorgeous hair or staring endlessly at the app icon wondering if you should uninstall or just keep at it since you put so much time into it already, let's review what are the activities we should be doing on Figure Fantasy to help us achieve our high-tier figurines just a little faster. So if you're feeling that same rut, please consider leaving a like and subscribing to the channel for more gacha gaming content Wednesdays and Weekends.

It's a Nature Part of Gacha Gaming

First and foremost, you must realize and acknowledge that this is a natural part of most gacha games, and you're not alone. That sounds very deep and a little heavy for a game, but hey! We spend precious time building up our accounts, so it's natural to get frustrated. Good things take time, and time is money, so if you don't want to spend time, spend the money, but if you don't want to spend the money, spend the time.

Play the Boardgame Odyssey

How to spend that time is the question, and there are ways to get for sure the figurine that you pick, the first being from the Boardgame store, in connection to the Boardgame Odyssey. In addition to winning figurines for the first time clear, the currency you earn from the stages, the lucky dice and the holy dice, can both be used in the Shop to trade for specific figurine pieces. The content is a bit time-consuming, but you have 48 hours to finish to the end once the game starts.

Fight in the Brawl Matches (PvP)

The other content that allows you to "choose" a figurine is the Brawl Store. This store is where you'll need to collect many bottle caps to get a rare figurine. Currently, you can get Night-9 Astraoth or Snow-A Ihrendts at 300K bottle caps a piece. The store resets every 30 days.

Alternatively, you can trade fewer bottle caps for Fuli wishes or advanced brand cards for purple figurines. Instead, I think saving up for a sure copy of the rare figurines is better. Honestly, one thing you can do is just gather up a mass amount of tickets, use them all at once, SWEEP the entire session to go up in rank, and also gather bottle caps fast!

Complete the Story Stages

Completing story stages also gives you access to the particular figurine and cool prizes and is also part of the daily tasks, so go onward, Master!

Browse the Moe Sticker Store

And because it is there, I must mention that the Sticker store also offers you the option of choosing a particular figurine. Most Moe stickers are gained from paid content, though - although not ALWAYS - so it is like browsing a luxury brand store and googly-eyeing the shining figurines at the higher price tags.

Defeat Tyr in Final Battle

If you're generally looking and think you have okayish luck or you just feel that luck creep up your back, there's other Figure Fantasy content that lets you gather pieces at a CHANCE to get the figurine you want.

First is Final Battle with Tyr. You can Super Blind pieces by completing it. If you're pressed for time, don't forget there's a "Sweep previous stage" option available.

Make Some Friends for the Otaku Store

Next, is the Otaku store, where you use Otaku hearts exchanged between friends. You can get up to 120 hearts per day, which means about 13 days before you can get an ultra figure with 1500 hearts just by getting the maximum number of otaku hearts from friends daily.

I would recommend doing a sweep of inactive friends once in a while to ensure you have a healthy supply of hearts coming in. It sounds very capitalistic, but I promise they probably won't even notice you removed them anyway if they haven't logged in for weeks. You can also earn Otaku hearts randomly by doing your Otaku Wall photoshoots and by "gifting" on Fbay, which means that you're discarding them, the poor guys.

Go to the Nightmare Raid

Nightmare Raid is less of a direct means to farm figurines, as you'll only get blind box pieces from certain stages. However, the content is pretty straightforward and required as one of the dailies, so make sure you get your rain boots on and finish this every day.

Also, don't forget that every 48 hours, you can also pull at the Blind Box for free, so make sure you grab those too, and there are the monthly events where you can also get blind box pieces by completing the event activities.

Don't Give Up!

To put the final nail on the coffin, though, being up here, I can tell you that copies of figurines are just one part of the puzzle. I'm finding myself running out of coins pretty fast, too. Before, Stamps were scarce, but now it's the coins!

Anyway, all that's to say, patience is the key here, and by saving up and taking it one day at a time, you'll eventually get there, and I hope that these reminders can help you get there just a little bit faster. So instead of riding on the express whale train or taking the free-to-play crawl walkway, you can take this uh... bicycle? or jogging course to get to the destination a little bit faster through the exercise.

Ok, I'm making too many weirds analogizes; now I'll stop. I hope this was fun, and if you enjoyed this info or would like to see more gaming content, please subscribe to PlayWhatever I post every Wednesday and weekends. Thanks so much for watching. Stay safe, and take care.

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