Epic Seven Epic Animation Awards! What Units Will Win?

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Epic Seven Epic Animation Awards! What Units Will Win?

Hi Playmates! I think one of the most attractive parts of Epic Seven is the skill animations. They are usually right on the mark for most heroes. Today I am self-hosting the grand epic of epics Epic Seven Animation Awards! YAY!! And you're given front row seats to boo or nay on what you think, especially if you don't play Epic Seven; it'll be cool to see your thoughts without even knowing who the heroes are on the seven rewards to be awarded today!

Starting with the Adorable Buns award, we have Choux with her S3 Help Me, Cream! Perfect and in time for winter, her teamwork with Cream is off the charts with cuteness with the classic wink and high five for a butt slap on the enemy well done.

Next up with another icy number, we have a Ran with his Instant Blade for Lazy but Crazy Award! Ran can shoot off a massive crazy attack without moving from his spot! The question everyone is asking is, is it cause he's lazy or causes it's too darn cold to move without a shirt on??

The next Who Needs Aim When You Got Numbers award goes to Operator Sigret! She aims and pours down drones upon the enemy, missing probably about half the shots, but at least it looks cool and packs a punch!

Moving to a different genre, we have the Now That's Heartburn Award gone to Sage Baal and Sezan and skill Eye of Death. Baal pulls out the heart and soul of his master Sezan that manifests itself into thousands of hot laser-shooting eyeballs of doom!! Imagine having that many hot eye balls inside your body at all times...! No wonder Sezan is always so feisty!

The notorious award of What Was the Point of That Award goes to Melissa. She poses super cool and pulls out her vampire fangs, and then...! Just passes by the enemy! WHAT! What's the point of her showing off her sexy fangs if we're not getting that spell-binding vampire bite or kiss of the fangs?

We're almost at the end, and all the Epic Seven heroes are on the edge of their seats for the Did She Miss on Purpose award that goes to... the beautiful Senya! Her Dragon Slayer's Strike was definitely aiming for the dragon that just happens to appear magically but ends up hitting the enemy instead every time! Talk about lucky! Maybe lucky misfortune is also a skill!

Talking about lucky, lucky number 7 award and the final award of our first grand epic of epics Epic Seven Animation Awards, the Classic is Beautiful award that goes to Diene for Saint's Prayer. Although she is an older unit and most newer units have some pretty fancy animations that reflect in her tear-filled eyes, the divine touch with the goddess is a simple yet marvelous animation that captures her story so well. Yes, I am being serious. This is really a nice animation!

What are your top picks, or what award given tonight do you think was deserved or not deserved? Let me know down in the comments below. And if you like random gaming content, especially on mobile gacha games, please consider leaving a like and subscribing I post every Wednesday and weekends. Thanks all so much for watching. Stay safe and take care.

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